Change Glamour System to Style Final Fantasy XIV System


Simply put… instead of making me glamour and reglamour, and store endless amounts of gear just to throw it on another, take a page from DCUO who did it right when it came to customization.

Let me equip a gear, and when it spirit bonds to me, I want that “glamour” to be stored.

Maybe you can make a book that we can pull styles from that we’ve glamoured before.

Hell, their’d be a huge BOOM in items if you could store every style imaginable in a book, people would collect styles like Cards. All content would suddenly become revalued, if only to collect the numerous styles.

Furthermore, include a Window with each gear slot and allow it to show each gear slot selected from a list of collected glamours, and then a Glamour Crystal cost, telling you how many of each type and level is needed to instaglamour an entire outfit in one fell swoop.

Pros –

Everyone will want to collect every “Style” combination for variety and diversity sake.

All gear becomes relevant to collect “Style”.

Glamour Crystals become a huge commodity in part to add the style to the book, and because you have a visual reference of your outcome completed before completed.

While I like to be able to customize myself, our glamour system isn’t all it could be…. I think by adding a glamour book, and the suggestions above, it could benefit everyone!

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