Final Fantasy XIV Random thoughts


*I never played XIV 1.0 (apparently didn’t miss a lot from what people say here), but I wonder if it would be feasible to introduce a randomized Besieged-style battle where a select Beast tribe would march in large numbers toward their enemy’s city-state, taking different routes and invading various towns along the way. Hamlet Defense, on paper, sounded like a decent enough idea.

*Spiritbonding parties seem great but iLv70+ gear seems to take forever outside of the Crystal Tower raids and i80+ dungeons. Would anyone object at this point to enemies up to item level 90 being released into the field?

*With Ishgard and 3 more jobs waiting for us, I guess it isn’t too early to speculate about the next expansion. A podcast I listened to a couple of days ago suggested a focus toward Ala Mhigo and the backstory seems to support such speculation.

This is one of the few things I miss about 1.0. There were Lv99 critters running around that would eat you alive, and getting past them was an exercise in waiting for them to turn around and luck. The world also used to be a lot bigger though, so there were a lot of very far-flung routes and nooks to put things like that in. Something else that could be interesting are large mobs sort of similar to the hunts, without being hunts themselves or having any rewards that would prompt people to chase them down, that patrol zone-wide routes to put the fear of God into low-level players out exping.