What are the internal issues of FFXIV Gridania?


Ul’dah has the syndicate

Limsa Lominsa has the pirate competition to become Final Fantasy XIV Gil the pirate ruler of limsa and also wayward pirates that’re against Merlwyb’s rule.

But what about Gridania?

There doesn’t seem to be much political turmoil or issues in Gridanian politics. The issues I can think of is that more and more people are poaching. Even wood-wailers are helping poachers for additional money since the elementals are to weak.

Additionally, they don’t like duskwight elezens and seeker miqo’te due to them being stereotyped. Not sure how common it is, but in the moogle delivery quest a

I know one of Kan E Senna’s body guards was a Garlean soldier (the guy next to her in this pic) she rescued from Carteneau, so that might be bad